
Kerogenatron is designed for pure kerogen extraction and mineral destruction by acidification. It is a fully assembled free standing unit, simply needing to be connected to power, tap water, and sewage system. It includes its own neutralisation system and 4 reactors but also water purification system, water heater, fume hood and a fume extraction fan special for acid fume extraction. In order to minimise the acid handling, an automatic version can be proposed in which acids are injected through an automatic perilstatic pump. Physical and chemical studies of isolated organic matter such as elemntal analysis; I.R., U.V. and NMR spectrometry; pyrolysis and pyro-chromatography techniques, Rock-Eval and activation energies distribution studies without matrix effect and optical studies such as transmission, vitrinite reflectance, Fluorescence, polynofacies examination are most important applications of kerogenatron.